Friday, March 30, 2012

Indonesia -- Day 13 Industry of Ubud, Wood Carving

Industry in Ubud, Bali
Food stalls and convienence stores are a staple of life.

Industry in Ubud, Bali

This woman is creating thatched roofing.

Industry in Ubud, Bali

Farming and water buffalos are a basic of life.

Industry in Ubud, Bali

Wood carving is amazing in this area of Bali.  Look at the exquisite pieces below and the detail.

Industry in Ubud, Bali
Door Frames are beyond gorgeous !!

Industry in Ubud, Bali

Industry in Ubud, Bali

Industry in Ubud, Bali

Industry in Ubud, Bali
Industry in Ubud, Bali

Industry in Ubud, Bali

Industry in Ubud, Bali
Industry in Ubud, Bali

Industry in Ubud, Bali
Industry in Ubud, Bali

Industry in Ubud, Bali
Industry in Ubud, Bali
Industry in Ubud, Bali

If you would like to visit Bali or Ubud or stay at the ARMA Bali  Resort
contact Adventures Abroad at 1 800 665 3998

Quote Code AANK for a special discount

Industry in Ubud, Bali

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